5 Ways A Universal Cuff Makes Life Easier

If you experience arthritis in your hands, the smallest of daily activities can be frustrating to accomplish.
A universal cuff is a great way to avoid this frustration, as it provides the assistance needed to accomplish a variety of daily activities.
Some of these ADLs include the following:
- Eating
- Brushing hair and grooming
- Playing with toys
- Drawing and writing
- Chores around the house
Even if your arthritis is mild, you may want to consider trying a universal cuff in effort to avoid the pain involved when using your hands.
Do you own a universal cuff?
We’d love to hear how you use it in the comments section below!
EaZyHold offers a collection of comfortable silicone hand straps to assist those challenged by weakened hand grip, arthritis and other disabilities. Visit our blog to learn more, or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter to stay in touch.
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