Assistive Devices for Easier Living With Rheumatoid Arthritis
If you live with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), you know how painful and frustrating it can be to accomplish even the smallest daily activities.
What you may not know is there’s an assistive device for just about every room of your house, which means you can go about your day with the assistance you need it, when and where you need it.
Take a look at this quick list of assistive devices designed for specific rooms and activities.
Assistive Devices for the Kitchen
- Jar openers
- Utensils with weighted handles
- Knobs for light switches and door handles
- Sleep chair
- Larger buttons
- Touch-sensitive lamps
- Tub bench or shower seat
- Electric toothbrush with weighted handle
- Long-handled sponges
In addition to devices specific to certain areas of your home, you may benefit from other helpful devices you can use throughout your home and beyond, including large dial pad cell phones for seniors.
Needless to say, there are a variety of devices specifically designed to help you with the day to day activities despite the pain caused by Rheumatoid arthritis.
Check out our blog to learn more about assistive devices!