Sensory Laine Feature

Sensory Laine is an online marketplace that highlights makers of “diverse, inclusive, and adaptive products.” EaZyHold is so happy to be featured on their Instagram account in a post highlighting five businesses and nonprofits that support inclusion and accessibility every month!
Their post was in celebration of disability pride month, which is in alignment with the July 1990 Americans With Disabilities Act.
Accounts they underlined include:
@ausomesaucee on Instagram is a nonprofit that inclusive, sensory friendly mixers and events for parents of children of all abilities
@inclusivedinos creates inclusive dinosaur stickers to raise awareness for different disabilities and the assistive equipment that goes along with them.
@jordanscorner is an indoor playspace in Scottsdale, Arizona that is child-led, inclusive, and sensory friendly!
@drawntoaac is a speech language pathologist and augmentative and alternative communication specialist in California. They provide great content and tips about AAC.
And of course, @eazyhold is our account for our adaptive silicone universal cuffs. Accessibility, equity, and inclusion are at the forefront of our mission!
Check out our blog to learn more, and follow us on facebook, instagram, and pinterest!